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economic problem
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this is my explanation of why america is having economic problems, and giving my current financial situation as an example.
seeing how some people are having a very hard time getting on social security disability who should and people are on social security and social security disability who shouldn't, and i'm watching a lot of documentaries on economy and my business education, i've tried to figure out if i'm doing anything wrong from an objective standpoint ethically. legally i'm not but i always felt bad when friends of mine are struggling financially and even though i've comprimised with my lifestyle, i'm much better off than other people in usa and around the world.
we have to assume laws are not perfect or even good, because as i wrote, legally i'm not doing anything wrong, but neither are big businesses who steal from the average american and similar corruption happens in other countries.
now i'm small fish compared to the questionable ethical practices other people do because i haven't gotten a lot of money from my misdiagnosis. in fact overall it averages out to part time minimum wage work, but i can also make money on top of that for "real" income, even though social security disability is counted as "real" income on the books.
so ethically there are 2 senarios. the first being the doctors were correct in diagnosing my mental illness and the other senario is the doctors were incorrect diagnosing me as mentally ill. i'll try to keep this short in case people are reading this.
senario 1. the doctors who diagnosed me were correct in saying i have "schizoaffective disorder" which was my final diagnosis in 2004 or so. assuming the doctors were correct, i have been a success story. i am the only patient my last psychiatrist has had who has been "cured" magically. the medicine i took would have been "needed" and somehow my illness was cured, because i don't take medicine and i don't need it anymore in any way. by this senario if i got reviewed by social security, my medical and social security income could end or it could keep going depending on if the current law when they "review" me says i should keep getting paid. i'm not entirely read on the social security disability law, and honestly i don't really care, because the law is pretty unethical.
senario 2 is if the doctors misdiagnosed me, and this would mean i got medicated for 15 years, hospitalized 2x and the doctors have messed up and could be sued for malpractice. this is what i think happened. first of all i don't want to sue my last psychiatrist because he's a christian and possibly felt bad for misdiagnosing me and maneuvered me into this position intentionally or let it happen. the other thing i could do is get rid of the income, but that's a stupid idea because it's legal and it's not that much income compared to other people who are stealing money legally but unethically. i don't think it hurts much for me to attempt to get off the social security disability while still recieving it. i am using the money to try to get into very honorable professions. helping people with computers, being a soccer referee, and possibly going back into teaching group fitness or performing are noble professions. these professions don't feed people but they help the economy more than all the insurance agents which our society doesn't need.
so you can be the judge if i'm doing something wrong ethically. i tithe to the church and poor. i eat almost the cheapest food possible. i don't hurt or be rude to people unjustly, and i generally mind my own business. i'm not married and i'm not procreating. i haven't ever had a relationship, so i'm not adding to the population problem. you might say i am doing a bad thing continuing to get money for nothing when i know how to stop my income, but that's kind of like shooting yourself in the foot when you need to be able to walk to do your job. i plan to get off social security when my income is high enough. i am actually afraid of what may happen if i stay on it. they might do more than just stop the income years from now. they may ask me to pay it back or somehow sue me.
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